Onsonlesdones, the equality barometer for the Catalan media

FONT: Viquipedia
Today’s recommendation is not exactly about internet content creators in Catalan, but rather about people who analyse what is published in the media in Catalonia. Onsonlesdones.cat condemns “the systematic discrimination of opinion makers in the Catalan media”, as they explain on their website. Around fifty women report on the opinion makers, separate them by gender, and publish the results on the social media to question the media.
As of 1 March, the Twitter profile #Onsonlesdones focuses on following the media to check whether the contributing opinion makers apply equal opportunities prior to 8 March, International Women’s Day, or whether they only remember equality on that particular day.
BON DIA! Avui comencem el #recompte8M21! Ja sabem que en aquesta època sempre s’esdevé el miracle: els mitjans de sobte difonen moltes més veus de dones al voltant del #8M21 (casualment sí que les troben) i després tot torna com abans, #onsonlesdones.
Què ens depara aquest 2021? pic.twitter.com/UNYfQ1IyiZ
— #onsónlesdones (@onsonlesdones) March 1, 2021
For Onsonlesdones, the philosophy “involves working in favour of everyone to ask for expert women in the media in our country are given a voice and are heard”. If you want to sign the manifesto, click on link.