2014, record year in .cat domain registrations

2014 has been proved to be a success for Fundació puntCAT, especially regarding the number of .cat registrations, its highest since the birth of the domain for the Catalan-speaking community. Last year, 23.534 new domains were enlisted, a number that exceeds the 19.856 that were registered in 2006, when the .cat domain was born. Undoubtedly, 2014 closure was excellent, also because last December was the second most successful month in puntCAT’s history thanks to its 3,000 new domains.
Overall, last year .cat grew 17% over 2013 and it has reached 83.300 active domains. This is largely due to the promotional campaigns and also to several agreements made by Fundació puntCAT with important companies such as Tucows or RedCoruna, which offer the opportunity to register .cat domains to their customers.
However, this success goes beyond the numbers. Fundació puntCAT has undertaken several actions to increase Catalan’s presence in new technologies. An example is the #LinkedInCatalan campaign, which already has more than 3,700 signatures, or the organization of a new contest called Webs al punt .cat, which encourages students to design websites in Catalan.