54 shops in Sallent already have their own website thanks to the comerçlocal.cat scheme
During these four weeks, 54 shops in the area have requested their own website in Catalan with basic information about their business thanks to the comerçlocal.cat scheme. The scheme has been very well received among Sallent’s traders and shopkeepers – to the point that it has been extended for one more week in order to respond to all requests.
Fundació puntCAT, in collaboration with Sallent Town Council and the Union of Traders and Shopkeepers of Sallent (“Sallent Comercial”), has made the comerçlocal.cat digitisation programme possible in this town.
During these four weeks, 54 shops in the area have requested their own website in Catalan with basic information about their business thanks to the comerçlocal.cat scheme. The scheme has been very well received among Sallent’s traders and shopkeepers – to the point that it has been extended for one more week in order to respond to all requests.
According to the Mayor, David Saldoni, “New technologies and the Internet are the backbone of 21st century society. They directly or indirectly affect every aspect of our daily lives, and they are essential because we integrate and use them to our advantage in order to improve our quality of life as well as human, economic and cultural relations. Adhering to the comerçlocal.cat scheme should represent a great opportunity for all these small shops which were previously not using ICT and which, thanks to this website that has been given to them for free, will from now on be able to promote themselves, make themselves known and sell their products in this giant network in a way that is simple and easy to understand. At Sallent Town Council’s Department of Economic Development we are aware of the importance of bringing technology closer to people, and we are working hard on a variety of projects to boost the shopkeepers of our town, who have so far been very receptive and shown a great interest in availing themselves of the schemes we are offering”.
The President of the Union of Shopkeepers, Josep Puig, has also rated Fundació puntCAT’s campaign in Sallent very positively. “This online presence given by Fundació puntCAT to each shop is a tool that will enable them to position and promote Sallent Comercial in social networks and the Internet in order to increase its impact and opportunities. The key to the campaign’s great success lies in the speed of creation of websites with the .cat domain, thanks to which shopkeepers obtained their own websites in a very short time. In addition, using .cat opens a window for Catalonia to the digital and global world”.
With this tour throughout the Catalan-speaking areas, Fundació puntCAT is promoting a scheme that fosters online access for all shopkeepers to publicise their businesses on the Internet and increase their number of potential customers.
For more information, call freephone number 900 866 192 or contact us through the website www.comerçlocal.cat.