Fundació puntCAT awards the prizes for the 7th edition of the Webs al punt competition

Friday 26 May was the day of the award ceremony for the 7th edition of the Webs al punt (Websites on .cat) competition, a project that fosters digital creation among secondary school and vocational training students.
Friday 26 May was the day of the award ceremony for the 7th edition of the Webs al punt (Websites on .cat) competition, a project that fosters digital creation among secondary school and vocational training students.
The award to the best website was for the project of the Institut Antoni Pous i Argila secondary school in Manlleu. The prize to the best application was for Funecode, an app created by students of the Institut Vidal i Barraquer secondary school in Tarragona that makes learning to program in Java fun.
The event was held at CosmoCaixa with the presence, among others, of Marisol López, Head of Digital Culture of the Catalan Institute of Cultural Enterprise (ICEC), Ester Franquesa, Head of the Linguistic Policy Department, Antònia Folguera of the Sonar +D commission, Maite Sainz of the Centre for Telecommunications and Information Technology (CTTI), and Javier Garcia of Citilab, to name but a few, as well as members of the jury for the competition and Carles Salvadó representing Fundació puntCAT.
The award to the best website in the competition includes a monetary prize to provide technological equipment to the winning school in order to encourage the adoption of new technologies and provide resources for the students’ future projects.
During the ceremony, awards were also given to the best projects by secondary school and mid-level and advanced vocational training students and future journalists. There was also a people’s award and a prize for the class with the highest participation.
All students and teachers were very satisfied with their involvement and, in some cases, such as that of the Sant Nicolau school (Sabadell) group that won the People’s Prize with its project, the people involved spoke up for the presence of women in technology.
1,790 students in 110 locations throughout the Catalan-speaking territories took part in the 7th edition of the competition. Fundació puntCAT is already preparing the 8th edition of the competition, with changes in formats and categories.
Webs al punt is part of Fundació puntCAT’s commitment to helping foster the use of new technologies in education. The project is part of a line of work undertaken by Fundació puntCAT to help integrate new technologies into 21st century education as an essential tool for student learning.