Fundació puntCAT faces a new stage with Carles Salvadó as the organisation’s new president

The votes of the puntCAT Foundation board to elect a new president were casted on the afternoon of 14 December. Salvador Alegret, until then the organisation’s president, handed over the presidency to Carles Salvadó, who is representing the ISOC-CAT, with the aim of facing a new exciting stage within the Foundation.
The votes of the puntCAT Foundation board to elect a new president were casted on the afternoon of 14 December. Salvador Alegret, until then the organisation’s president, handed over the presidency to Carles Salvadó, who is representing the ISOC-CAT, with the aim of facing a new exciting stage within the Foundation. The vice-presidency and treasury is held by Salvador Alegret, who is representing the Catalan Studies Institute, whereas Saül Gordillo, of the Catalan Corporation of Audiovisual Means, maintains his position as a Secretary.
This new board “is established in difficult times, in which the highest legal public authority of Catalan culture is located in Madrid and the legitimate one in Brussels. In this context and with the addition that Donald Trump wants to put an end to the Internet as a public service with free and equal access, the puntCAT Foundation has to take a step forward and become not only a reference in the promotion of Catalan culture on the Internet, but also a champion of the free Internet,” Carles Salvadó states.
This new stage is faced with the reinforcement and commitment to four spheres of action:
1. Support for freedom, participation and processes favouring the development of our national identity and the institutions that represent the Catalan people as a whole, our language and culture.
2. Consolidation, promotion and dissemination of the .cat domain. At present, there are more than 111,000 .cat domains.
3. Reinforcement of the foundational task and its presence among the country’s flagship institutions. Reinvesting the profits of the .cat domain in foundational projects that strengthen the information society on the territory and contribute to normalise the use of Catalan in the digital environment.
4. Internationalisation of the puntCAT Foundation. Open the Foundation to the world and make the Foundation’s task known in terms of promoting Catalan language and culture on the Internet. In this sense, the organisation is already part of international organisations, such as ICANN, CENTR, FOCIR or ELEN.
One of the first tasks the new board will carry out is to hire a new General Manager, who will be executing and heading this new stage at the Foundation.