Jordi Puigneró visits the puntCAT Foundation

The Head of Digital Policies and Public Administration in the Government of Catalonia, Jordi Puigneró, visits the puntCAT Foundation during his first official act
The Head of Digital Policies and Public Administration in the Government of Catalonia, Jordi Puigneró, visits the puntCAT Foundation during his first official act. The minister’s visit took place on 6 June, when he was received by the President, Carles Salvadó, and the Director of the puntCAT Foundation, Manel Sanromà. Some members of the board of trustees, who wanted to welcome the new minister, attended the gathering as well.
Jordi Puigneró met with all members of the puntCAT Foundation team to thank them for the work done so far and for offering their support during the “police and legal repression suffered by the puntCAT Foundation” at the end of September last year.
The Head of Digital Policies announced during his visit to the puntCAT Foundation that he will create a law to protect the digital rights and duties of the citizens of Catalonia. This initiative shall seek to ensure that Catalans and their companies are guaranteed these rights and that episodes such as those that were experienced with the closure of websites and the Foundation’s registry do not occur again.