Notícies > #15: Pau Clavell, from Ciència Oberta: “We must familiarise the general public with scientific knowledge”. #15: Pau Clavell, from Ciència Oberta: “We must familiarise the general public with scientific knowledge”.
24 August 2021
We chatted for a few minutes with Pau Clavell, from Ciència Oberta (Open Science) collective .
We talked to him about popularising science in Catalan through the initiative Neurones Fregides (Fried Neurons). This is a platform formed by young Catalans that aims to bring together different projects for popularising science in Catalan. They aim to create a network, promote dissemination and the creation of content in Catalan: “With Neurones Fregides we want to create a collective awareness to promote scientific dissemination in Catalan”, says Pau.