The puntCAT Foundation and the Catalan Foundation Coordinator sign a partnership agreement

The chairman of the puntCAT Foundation, Carles Salvadó, and the chairman of the Catalan Foundation Coordinator, Pere-A. Fàbregas Vidal, have signed a partnership agreement to encourage the adoption and use of the .cat domain among CCF.
The chairman of the puntCAT Foundation, Carles Salvadó, and the chairman of the Catalan Foundation Coordinator, Pere-A. Fàbregas Vidal, have signed a partnership agreement to encourage the adoption and use of the .cat domain among CCF members and foster the standardisation of the use of Catalan on the Internet and in ICT among foundations.
One of the key elements of the agreement is to promote dissemination initiatives among all the foundations that do not have a .cat domain yet and to offer them an ad-hoc promotion for their needs.
“Being able to work with the CCF is a great step forward for the promotion of digitalisation of Catalan entities. As members of the CCF, we are very happy to be able to sign this agreement and that this partnership will provide added value to the community of Catalan foundations”, says Carles Salvadó, president of the puntCAT Foundation. Pere Fàbregas, president of the CCF, states that “networking among foundations is a very important asset, and the Coordinator aims to facilitate mutual knowledge and collaboration among associated entities”.
In the coming weeks, the actions to undertake between both entities will be specified and detailed.