This was Catosfera 2021

This year’s edition of Catosfera has just taken place. Catosfera is a cycle of debates, workshops and talks on digital communication and tech news; a meeting point for the Catalan internet. This edition was held in different spaces in the city of Girona. The Josep Irla Auditorium, the seat of the Generalitat in Girona, the UdG Park, and other places in the city.
Catosfera has grown over the years, and has incorporated bloggers and twitterers (the founding spirit of the conferences), the business side of the sector in Catalonia. This time, the cornerstones of the conferences involved digital transformation in the media and technological innovation, with spaces aimed at youngsters and networking.
Catosfera started on 14th October with a contest-based educational proposal headed by Albert Roig, content creator at the .cat Foundation, which is the sponsor of the conferences. During the event, discussions were held on domains, search engine positioning, and cyberbullying, as well as other more trivial matters such as TikTok and more practical issues such as marketing and the SEO. Once the contest had ended, the auditorium hosted the live broadcasting of the Adolescents XL show on Catalunya Ràdio.
The following day, the chairman of the .cat Foundation, Genís Roca, took part in the round table ‘Digital Catalonia: where we are and where we are heading’. Also present were Joana Barbany (director general for Digital Society at the Generalitat), Anna Albar (director of the UdG Park) and Joan Camp (director of Catosfera).
During the round table, Roca asked for “a structured effort from society and the authorities to ensure the major platforms are in Catalan”. He also highlighted the importance of content searches in Catalan, the Catalan version of Wikipedia (Viqupèdia), and operating system settings