Fundació .cat and Escola del Treball join forces to boost digital Catalan monitoring.

The director of Fundació .cat, Roger Serra, and the director of the Institut Escola del Treball de Barcelona (, José Luis Durán, have today formalized a collaboration agreement within the framework of the Catalan digital monitoring network (Xarxa de monitoratge del català digital), promoted by Fundació .cat. The has installed a sensor in its facilities that will allow systematic web searches to monitor the position of Catalan content in search results.
Additionally, the Institut Escola del Treball de Barcelona is committed to producing 100 sensor boxes for the Catalan digital monitoring network. According to the signed agreement, the EdT will take on the design and manufacturing of the sensor boxes as well as the Text Analysis Coding Software (PCAT). In exchange for this work, Fundació .cat has provided the with a Delta-type Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) printer for use in educational tasks.
“This strategic alliance between Fundació .cat and the is a decisive step in our mission to protect and promote Catalan in the digital sphere,” said Genís Roca, president of Fundació .cat. “Thanks to the collaboration with a prestigious institution like the, we are confident that we will be able to significantly advance in the creation of sensors that allow us to monitor and analyze the use of Catalan on the Internet.”
The signing of this agreement underscores the shared commitment to preserve and strengthen the presence of Catalan in the digital environment.