Fundació .cat welcomes a new trustee: Acció Cultural del País Valencià

Acció Cultural del País Valencià, an association with a long and rich history in promoting the language and culture of the Valencian Country, joins the Board of Trustees of Fundació .cat.
This alliance was formalized yesterday in a meeting between the two entities, a step that will further the Fundació .cat’s mission to promote the presence and use of the Catalan language in the digital realm across all Catalan-speaking territories.
In addition to this new member, the board consists of Genís Roca, representing Òmnium Cultural (president); Rosa Romà, representing the Corporació Catalana de Mitjans Audiovisuals (vice president); Àlex Hinojo, representing Amical Wikimedia (vice president); Ricard Gonzàlez, representing FemCAT (treasurer); Carmina Crusafont, representing AMIC (secretary); Jordi Domingo, representing ISOC-CAT (vocal); Albert Juanico, representing the Cercle Català de Negocis (vocal); Joan Ramon Barrera, representing the Cercle Tecnològic (vocal); Salvador Alegret, representing the Institut d’Estudis Catalans (vocal); Carles Riba, representing the Coordinadora de Centres d’Estudis de Parla Catalana (vocal); Elena Fort, representing Futbol Club Barcelona (vocal); and Oriol Amat, representing the Xarxa Vives (vocal).