Genís Roca reaffirms his leadership at the helm of Fundació .cat

At the Board meeting held yesterday afternoon in Barcelona, Genís Roca, representing Òmnium Cultural on the Board of Fundació .cat, has been re-elected as president of the institution for a second consecutive term. The decision was made unanimously by the Board members, thus recognizing his work leading the organization.
Genís Roca, an archaeologist by training and a specialist in business transformation processes and digital culture, will lead the efforts of the Fundació .cat for another three years in facing the challenges ahead for Catalan language and culture in the digital world.
In accepting this responsibility once again, Genís Roca has expressed his “willingness to expand the foundational purpose of the organization: from managing the .cat domain to defending the cultural rights of Catalan-speaking citizens in the digital society.” He has also expressed his gratitude for the support received and has reaffirmed his commitment to continue working to consolidate the presence of Catalan on the Internet.
The new composition of the Executive Committee of the Fundació .cat is as follows:
Òmnium Cultural
Mr. Genís Roca
Vice Presidents
Corporació Catalana de Mitjans Audiovisuals
Ms. Rosa Romà
Amical Wikimedia
Mr. Àlex Hinojo
Mr. Ricard Gonzàlez
Ms. Carmina Crusafont