Notícies > The .cat Foundation and the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce will work together to digitally enhance the economic activity and business of our country

The .cat Foundation and the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce will work together to digitally enhance the economic activity and business of our country

13 November 2020

Two of the key entities in the territory, the Fundació .cat and the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce have signed a collaboration agreement that commits them to study and work together to develop activities to digitally enhance the country’s business. This signature is becoming more relevant than ever at a time when it is very important that companies are digitally prepared to carry out their activities.

The signing, which has taken place virtually, brought together the two presidents of the entities, Joan Canadell, of the Chamber of Commerce, and Carles Salvadó, of the Fundació .cat. Both parties have considered the .cat domain to be an essential digital tool for the multisectoral development of the Catalan-speaking Internet and a valuable asset for the territory.

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