Notícies > The first sensor of the Digital Catalan Monitoring Network is installed

The first sensor of the Digital Catalan Monitoring Network is installed

Primer dispostiu dela xmcd a València | Fundació .cat

On October 13, Fundació .cat presented the creation of the first Digital Catalan Monitoring Network (Xarxa de monitoratge del català digital), a continuous device that will allow the detection of issues regarding the visibility of Catalan on the Internet and to monitor the evolution of Catalan’s presence online. Today, the first sensor has been installed in Valencia, specifically at the headquarters of Acció Cultural del País Valencià, a member of the Alinaça per la presència digital del català.

“The sensors in the first wave of deployment will be chosen by member entities of the Aliança”, explains the head of the Digital Catalan program at Fundació .cat and coordinator of the Aliança. In subsequent waves, it is expected to deploy hundreds of new sensors throughout the territory, starting with some of the companies, organizations, and entities that participated in the web positioning report for Catalan and expressed the intention to continue collaborating, according to the network’s dispersion needs.

Thanks to the installation of these sensors, it will be possible to automate and improve the monitoring system for Catalan language searches that already exist, including the number of searches, indicator sensitivity, and territorial distribution. Decentralizing the monitoring will allow the incorporation of IP addresses from across the Catalan-speaking territory and provide a real picture of the language’s evolution in search engine results.

Periodically, reports with the most relevant data from this monitoring will be offered on the website.

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