Notícies > The best free training resources on line and in Catalan

The best free training resources on line and in Catalan

26 August 2020

You will most likely read this article on returning from holiday, with the new school year about to begin and three months away from the end of an intense, very intense 2020. Jokingly, someone said on Twitter a few months ago that the health crisis stemming from Covid-19 had done more for the digital transformation than any public policy along the same lines. It is true, however, that we should wait a while before taking stock of everything. There is wide consensus that nothing will ever be the same again, including the employment market. That is why this article offers some of the best free resources on the internet in Catalan to improve your digital skills.

Palma Activa: Palma Council has a range of almost a dozen free, on-line courses that range from e-commerce to computer-aided design or 3D prototyping, as well as courses for all audiences on Word or Excel. Training takes place through the virtual campus, where those selected have access to the materials uploaded by the teachers.

SAPS: since 2010, the Valencian Generalitat has been offering a free, on-line training service that contains learning pills on the secure use of mobile devices, technology crimes, or the General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union (EU). The courses last between one and ten hours, and can be accessed by registering with the service.

Cibernarium: the Council department Barcelona Activa offers extremely complete on-line training contents that include more basic courses with an introduction to the internet and much more advanced learning pills on digital production. The service is kept so much up to date that it includes courses on Tik Tok, one of the most recent social networks with greatest prospects at present.

Coursera-Generalitat de Catalunya: a few days ago, the Catalan Generalitat announced an agreement with the on-line training platform Coursera to offer around 4,000 courses free of charge. These include big data and blockchain management and interpreting courses, and mobile app development. and if all the above isn’t enough, the .cat Foundation offers training to companies with no internet presence in Catalan. The platform offers resources to design your own website, tutorials on how to edit it, and assistance to whoever needs it. All with on-line sessions you can follow from home.

Do you know of any other resources we’ve missed? You can share them with us on our Twitter account: @puntCAT.

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