Call open to organisations from the third sector requiring a website

The .cat Foundation is once again working with the esTICenllaçat project to improve access and training in ITCs for non-profit organisations.
Third-sector organisations requiring internet presence learn how to create their own website alongside the team of the .cat Foundation, who will offer training to develop the website in WordPress.
This training is to be given in an information session and two free 4-hour sessions on WordPress and website creation.
What do I need to take part in the sessions?
1. To be a non-profit organisation duly listed on the appropriate register under the legal form of a social initiative association, foundation, or cooperative, with registered offices in Catalonia.
2. Not to have online presence (website) and want to learn how to develop one in WordPress.
3. Selected organisations should obtain a .cat domain and publish the website at least in Catalan (this is compatible with other domains and other languages).
Fill out the registration form if you want to take part.
Read the terms and conditions for the call.
esTICenllaçat is a project organised by CTecno and Migranodearena, with the collaboration of the .cat Foundation.