Notícies > Entrepreneurship and Commerce Month

Entrepreneurship and Commerce Month

31 May 2021

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The year and a bit of the pandemic has slowed down the proliferation of new companies in Catalonia. According to data from the Barómetro Cambra (Cambra Barometer), produced by the Cambra de Comerç de Barcelona (Barcelona Chamber of Commerce), from February 2020 to March 2021, 6,080 companies have fallen by the wayside in Catalonia. As a percentage, Catalonia recorded a year-on-year reduction in the number of companies of 3.4%. Despite the decline, from February to March this year 1,440 more companies have been registered, so that the trend seems to be recovering with the end of the alarm state on 9 May.

With the progressive end of mobility restrictions and the increase in the vaccinated population, this dynamic of recovery could accelerate. At such an important time for the commercial and business sector of the country, at Fundació. cat we propose the month of May as the month of entrepreneurship and commerce, with a series of contents that will try to explain the characteristics and needs of this business sector.

To begin with, we recommend the Catalunya Emprèn  service, a programme led by the Departament d’Empresa i Coneixement (Department of Business and Knowledge) of the Government of Catalonia that aims to foster the entrepreneurial spirit, promotes business culture and encourages specific actions for the creation, growth and consolidation of new companies.

One of these tools, the #ServeisPerEmpendre search engine, can help you find services both to start up your business and to promote it during the first five years of its life. The aim of the search engine is to bring these services closer to you to facilitate entrepreneurship and to provide up-to-date information on the services available to companies throughout Catalonia.

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