SSL .cat helps you to find out if a website is secure

Fundació .cat has created the new free tool SSL .cat, with which you can validate the security certificate of any website. This tool has been created together with Entorno Digital.
What is SSL certificate?
SSL is a security protocol used to protect communications over the Internet. This protects the data from being captured by others and ensures that only authorized people can access this data. SSL is a technology used in various areas, such as browsing the Internet, making online purchases, and communicating over the Internet.
Why Use SSL Validator?
It’s a way to validate the security of a URL without actually entering it. This way you can avoid visiting websites that contain some type of virus or malicious software.
If a website does not have an SSL certificate, is it malicious?
Not necessarily. Not all websites without a certificate are malicious, it may simply be that the certificate has expired or you haven’t obtained it yet. What is certain is that websites without an SSL certificate do not encrypt the data and therefore cannot guarantee the security of your data.
From now on, you can validate the security certificate of websites you don’t know with SSL .cat and avoid risks.
SSL .cat is part of the .cat Foundation’s galaxy of free tools, along with file uploader Va .cat, URL shortener Ja .cat and meme generator XD .cat.