Notícies > Homo Ludens, how do we engage with video games?

Homo Ludens, how do we engage with video games?

09 December 2021

From 1 December until 22 April 2022 you can visit the exhibition ‘Homo Ludens. Video games to understand the present‘ at Caixaforum in Barcelona. The exhibition offers a new perspective on the concept of the gamer, showing a videogamified world in which life and games converge more and more every day.

Divided into six rooms, more than forty pieces are presented, including video games and works of art, in an interactive environment that turns the exhibition itself into a collective gaming experience. The exhibition dedicates each room to an area in which human beings relate to video games.

The exhibition highlights the mechanisms at work in the video game industry, and shows how video game culture influences the way we work, consume and love.

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