Notícies > Information session jo .cat

Information session jo .cat

3 desember 2020


Dec. 3 at 10 a.m.





Sessió informativa jo .cat

The Fundació .cat has promoted in collaboration with the Rovira i Virgili University and the support of the Department of Digital Policies and Public Administration the Generalitat de Catalunya the  jo .cat project, a training program aimed at people who have passed a ACTIC certificate and are unemployed.

With jo .cat you will know what it means to have a digital identity, how to become more visible on the Internet to promote yourself in front of companies and/or interested parties and you will obtain the necessary tools to create your Identity on the Internet. How? The final activity of the program will consist of the creation of a website and an e-mail with a .cat domain.

If you are unemployed and want to create or change your digital image, this is your course!

Also, if you are one of the first 1,000 registered, you will get the .cat domain and the web hosting completely free! SIGN UP AT: jo .cat

DO YOU HAVE ANY QUESTION? Sign up for the online briefing on December 3 at 10 a.m. Prior registration is required through the following form.

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