Notícies > Seventh DonaTIC Awards

Seventh DonaTIC Awards

26 November 2021

As of 7 p.m. this evening, the DonaTIC Awards are to be presented to the winners from almost eighty candidates. The seventh edition of this contest is to take place at the Cosmocaixa space in Barcelona, and can be followed live on the Generalitat’s Digital Policies YouTube channel.

The awards recognise the value of women and equality in professional, business and academic areas of Information Technology in Catalonia.

Since it began, the DonaTIC Awards have received 541 candidacies. This year, the candidates are grouped into eight categories divided into three areas: professional, academic and revelation, and divulgation and inspirational initiatives.

Organised in collaboration with Institut de les Dones, Observatori de la Dona, Empresa i Economia (Barcelona Chamber of Commerce) and the Tertulia Digital association, the contest is held on 13th October, Ada Lovelace Day, who was considered to be the first female programmer in history.

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